Teeth play a pivotal role in our daily functions, from eating to clear speech. Surprisingly, their impact on our confidence and self-esteem often goes unnoticed. Yet, we tend to neglect their care until a simple toothache disrupts our sleep. Thankfully, most dental issues can be averted through a straightforward practice: maintaining good oral hygiene. This involves regular and proper teeth cleaning, alongside consistent visits to your dentist.
However, amidst these essential practices, numerous myths about teeth cleaning persist. This article aims to dispel teeth cleaning myths and present accurate teeth cleaning facts, guiding you towards optimal oral hygiene.
Myth 1: Scaling weakens teeth.
One prevalent myth revolves around scaling, suggesting it weakens and loosens teeth. Contrary to belief, scaling serves as a crucial procedure aimed at removing tartar or calculus (hardened plaque) from the teeth’s surface. Tartar accumulation provides an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, potentially leading to severe damage to teeth and surrounding structures.
In instances where tartar lodges between teeth or between teeth and gums, scaling becomes imperative. Although after scaling, patients might sense a slight gap between their teeth, this isn’t a consequence of scaling itself. It’s essential to eliminate this tartar buildup to prevent periodontal infections.
Post-scaling, some individuals might experience mild sensitivity lasting one to two days, which typically dissipates. Therefore, scaling isn’t detrimental to teeth; instead, it aids in averting teeth and gum infections. However, it’s crucial to ensure scaling is conducted by a proficient dentist.
Myth 2: Avoid Brushing if Gums Bleed
When gums bleed, it often indicates inadequate oral hygiene. Despite this, it’s recommended to maintain a routine of brushing teeth twice daily and incorporating proper flossing techniques to ensure effective teeth cleaning and prevent potential infections.
Excessive pressure while brushing may lead to bleeding gums due to trauma. However, it’s crucial not to cease brushing altogether. Seeking guidance from a dentist can be beneficial as they can provide instructions on correct brushing methods. Consulting a dental professional when experiencing bleeding gums is essential for further treatment and guidance.
Myth 3: More Brushing Equals Healthier Teeth.
Many people mistakenly believe that increased brushing equates to better oral health. However, excessive brushing can be detrimental. Here are some adverse effects of over-brushing:
Tooth Abrasion: Chronic overbrushing can cause the loss of tooth structure due to mechanical trauma.
Tooth Sensitivity: Increased brushing can result in heightened sensitivity to heat, cold, sweet, or sour tastes.
Gum Issues: Over-brushing may lead to gum recession and bleeding.
Maintaining a gentle brushing routine using a high-quality toothbrush with soft bristles, twice a day, proves sufficient for dental health. Additionally, integrating flossing into the routine is pivotal for comprehensive teeth cleaning and maintaining good oral hygiene.
Myth 4. Teeth whitening can harm your teeth.
Our teeth are composed of 3 layers. The outermost visible layer is made up of enamel. Enamel is the hardest tissue of the human body.
The gels used during teeth whitening do not harm the enamel. In addition, most of these gels are picked up by the second layer of the tooth, the dentine. This helps in lightening the underlying dentine stains.
Myth 5. Dental Procedures are painful.
Acknowledging the apprehension surrounding dental procedures and instruments, it’s crucial to recognize that advancements in science and technology have revolutionized the field. Many traditional dental procedures now have evolved into safer, less invasive, and notably less painful alternatives.
Contemporary dentistry prioritizes patient comfort. Before any significant dental procedure, your dentist typically administers a local anesthetic. This anesthetic effectively numbs the area, ensuring you experience no discomfort or pain throughout the entirety of the procedure. Rest assured; these measures are in place to guarantee a pain-free dental experience.
Myth 6. Flossing can widen the gap between your teeth.
Flossing does not cause gaps between your teeth. The gaps you feel after flossing are because the plaque stuck in the already present gaps has now been removed from those gaps. The presence of gaps between your teeth or teeth and gums is a sign of unhealthy teeth. You should consult with your dentist for the same.
Improper flossing can cause damage to your teeth and gums. Thus you must know the right way to floss. Consult your dentist and learn how to floss the right way.
Myth 7. Expensive toothpaste is always better.
The statement that the most expensive toothpaste is always the best isn’t entirely accurate when considering teeth cleaning facts. While using quality toothpaste is crucial for maintaining good oral health, its effectiveness isn’t solely determined by its price tag.
The truth is the choice of toothpaste varies based on individual dental needs and conditions. Your dentist plays a vital role in recommending the most suitable toothpaste for your teeth. They assess your dental health, determining what your teeth specifically require and which toothpaste would be the most beneficial for you. Consulting your dentist ensures the selection of the ideal toothpaste tailored to your oral health needs.
Wrapping Up&
We hope this article has debunked teeth cleaning myths and offered valuable insights into proper dental care practices. Should you seek further clarification or guidance, we welcome you to consult us at 32 Strong.
Known as the best dental clinic Delhi, 32 Strong is dedicated to addressing all your dental concerns and queries with precision and compassion. Following a teeth whitening procedure, some individuals may experience temporary sensitivity, which is a normal occurrence. It’s important to note that the procedure itself poses no harm or damage to your teeth. At 32 Strong Dental Clinic, your dental health and comfort are our top priorities.